It's finally starting to feel like Spring!!! The flowering bulbs are in full bloom and perennials and the perennials are coming out of the ground. Here's a round-up of what I've seen so far in the front garden:
(Starting from top left corner, across to right, and down)
1. Crocus "Orange Monarch",
2. Hyacinth "Oriental Mix",
3. Hyacinth "Oriental Mix" ,
4. Nasturtium "Alaska Mix" ,
5. Narcissus "Kedron" ,
6. Muscari "Armeniacum" ,
7. Tulip "Yokohama" ,
8. Tulip "Orange",
9. Narcissus "Texas" ,
10. Violets,
11.Daffodil "Sir Winston Churchill" ,
12. Lamium "Herman's Pride",
13. Silvermound,
14. Phlox "Emerald Blue",
15. Tulip "Rajka".
One group of bulbs that did not come up are the "Libretto" Parrot tulips I planted in the Fall. These were supposed to be tall, glorious, beautiful pink tulips so I'm a bit disappointed that they didn't come up. Not sure if it was just a bad batch of bulbs or if the squirrels found them before it had a chance to grow.
Otherwise, most of the plants in the garden survived the harsh winter we had this year. One of the English lavender is a bit roughed up from the cold weather but I noticed that it's still alive (a few tiny green leaves) so there's still a chance to nurse it back to life.
Next, it's time to tend to the vegetable gardens - divide, re-pot, transplant, etc etc. Updates coming soon!
~ Rebecca