With an early start on the seeds, the vegetable plants are really starting to come along, in particular the cherry tomato plants and some of the herbs (cilantro and dill). I think in a week or so I'm going to have to start planting some of the tomatoes in the big planters outside as they are getting quite tall and needs to be staked soon.
Unfortunately some of the seedlings didn't make it . The good news is, it's still April and I still have plenty of time to do round 2 of seed starting :) So here are a few things that are in the works for Round 2:
- Basil
- Ciapoli onion
- Chives
- Sunflower (round 1 for this)
- Yellow bell pepper (round 1 for this)
I'm also going to start some Cayenne pepper seeds, and perhaps some lettuce?