Sunday, March 22, 2015

Officially Spring

The official first day of Spring has come and gone, but the weather seems to be still hovering around zero.  Despite the winter-like temperature we're still getting, I'm definitely enjoying the longer day and warmth of the sun!    

Here's the first sign of Spring in our house - cat grass!  Lucky cat, she's the first one that gets to enjoy this season's veggies.  :)  

Seed starting (in take out boxes) are coming along.  The cucumber seeds are already sprouting (with green leaves) and the tomato seeds are just starting to sprout.  Seedling transfer probably just a few days away!

~ Rebecca

Sunday, March 15, 2015

2015 Season

This week we finally got some above zero temperatures and the large amount of snow accumulated is finally starting to melt.  We've had one of the most consistently cold Winters (especially February) this year and everything have been frozen solid till now.  

Although the start of Spring is still one week away, I've been having a serious case of Spring fever the last few days.  I started the first batch of seeds with the "take out box and wet paper towel" method.  These are the seeds that requires the earliest start because it takes a while for the seedlings to grow - various tomatoes, bell peppers, and eggplants.  I'm hoping that by starting the seeds early this year I will have stronger plants and hopefully a higher fruit yield. 

Along with that I've started some seeds for cilantro and dill.  Hopefully they will get going soon and give us some delicious herbs to use early Summer.  This year I'm also going to start some seeds outdoors directly (such as beans, peas, and lettuces) as soon as the soil is warm enough to work.  

Next step is to plan out this year's vegetable garden design!

~ Rebecca 

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