Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Front yard - Plant IDs

So our front yard was quite over-grown when we had moved into the house.  Again, there was lots of material to work with so I was more than happy to go in to do a bit of clearing and weeding. I will have more "after" pictures to show on a later date.  But for now, with the help from some family members, we've identified some of the plants in the front yard...

Black Eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta
(These seems to be very common in this neighborhood - feels like every house has a bunch of these)

Veriegated Weigela...

Again, these seem to grow like wild weeds in our neighborhood (I don't mind them though, they are so pretty, and they make beautiful cut flowers!)

and Sedum

I'm so excited to find so many different kind of plants in both the front and back yards.  It's so much fun to find out what each plant is, their characteristics, and visualize how it can look in the context of the garden with other plants and over time.  I plan on moving some of them around as currently many of them are overshadowed by taller plants that are at the wrong place.  There's so much to do, but so little time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice photos and great job with the blog!

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