Thursday, October 20, 2011

Fall cleanup

Last weekend I began doing some Fall garden cleanup.  Other than digging up the dead purple sand cherry plant and clearing away some other bits and pieces, I actually needed to clear up some room to plant the remainder of the perennials I bought from Northland Nursery several weekends ago.

As usual, as I dug through the yard I usually find some really random objects.  Sometimes I wonder if people just decide to throw ANYTHING into the ground to fill it out - oh here's a brick, let's toss it in... and here's a broken flower pot, let's toss that in too, and why not a broken plate...?

Anyways, the several hour of work was very productive.  I moved around some daylily plants and planted in the new ??? plant.  I also planted the new clematis plant.  The only one I have left to plant is the new shrub rose...

The new lavenders I added are doing well ...

As I was clearing out the yard, it occurs to me that maybe I shouldn't clear certain plants because I heard before that some plants do better over winter if some of the foilate is left to stay.  So I went to the ever so useful inter-web and found two pages that tells you what plants you can cut in the Fall and what you should wait till the Spring.  Check it out! 

Plants to prune in the Spring: 

Also, I found a link to a nice little page at Home Depot's website for Fall garden maintenance: .
It covers briefly a wide range of things to do... lots of stuff people probably already know but excellent information for me the novice gardener :) 

Happy pruning!! 

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