Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Front yard - current plan doodle

Now that Fall is here and I've been doing some yard clean up, I thought it'd be a good idea to record what I currently have so that:
1) I can plan out (and dream about) my dream garden during the cold winter months....
2) So that I can remember and find all the plants I had without accidentally digging plants up....
3) Monitor how my plants are doing year after year....

So I drew up this plan over lunch break today as a mini-record.  I think my drawing is a bit out of scale (bigger than it actually is compared to the proportions of the plants - maybe it's my subconscious hoping the yard was bigger).  After some cleaning up the last few weekends, I managed to make some space between all the over-grown shrubs and now can start to see the plants individually.  I'm still not too happy about the positioning of the Viburnum and the Wiegla - I think they're too big to be up front like that.  Maybe I'll prune them a bit before winter to see if they'll grow back next Spring in a somewhat manageable size.

Now, the next thing to think about is to plant bulbs or not to plant bulbs.... I'll save that for the next blog entry :) 

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nskogerboe said...
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